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发布日期:2025-01-02 05:15    点击次数:115


(原标题:SFC Markets and Finance | Guangdong has set up a special stage for manufacturing enterprises) 南边财经全媒体记者杨雨莱 广州报说念 Leading the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry with innovation, Guangdong has made the first stroke of the blue


J9九游会体育 they focus on resources-九游会体育 ag九游会登录j9入口 j9九游会登录入口首页

(原标题:SFC Markets and Finance | Guangdong has set up a special stage for manufacturing enterprises)

南边财经全媒体记者杨雨莱 广州报说念

Leading the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry with innovation, Guangdong has made the first stroke of the blueprint.

Guangdong's regional comprehensive innovation capability has been ranked first in the country for eight consecutive years. In the first three quarters of this year, the added value of advanced manufacturing and high-tech manufacturing increased by 6.9% and 11.6%, respectively. The large industrial enterprises in Guangdong province with a main business income of more than 500 million yuan have all established research and development institutions. Approximately 90% of the province's research institutions, researchers, R&D funds, and invention patent applications come from enterprises.

How does Guangdong manage to gather innovation and integrate it with industry? Guangdong has spared no efforts in four key areas.

First, they focus on the platforms, perfecting the collaborative innovation system in manufacturing. When it comes to building high-quality manufacturing innovation centers, Guangdong has been approved to set up a total of five national-level centers, which is among the top in the country.

Second, they concentrate on the key points, vigorously promoting the development of core technologies. Led by a group of competitive companies, a bunch of key technologies and products in industries like 5G, new energy vehicles, and industrial robots have made it into the global first rank.

Third, they emphasize the main players, giving full play to the role of enterprise technology innovation. For example, they strongly cultivate single-champion and specialized, refined, and innovative enterprises. Currently, nine manufacturing companies have made it into the Fortune Global 500 for 2023.

Fourth, they focus on resources, accelerating the gathering of innovative elements like talent and finance. Since 2021, they have promoted the listing of 141 such enterprises on the A-share market.

It is no doubt that Guangdong is marching towards deepening the integration of scientific and technological innovation with industrial innovation.

Chief Producer: Yu Xiaona

Supervising Producer: Shi Shi

Editor: He Jia

Reporter: Yang Yulai

Video Editor: Cai Yutian

New Media Coordination: Ding Qingyun, Zeng Tingfang, Lai Xi, Huang Daxun

Overseas Operations Supervising Producer: Huang Yanshu

Overseas Content Coordinator: Huang Zihao

Overseas Operations Editors: Zhuang Huan, Wu Wanjie, Long Lihua, Zhang Weitao

Produced by: Southern Finance Omnimedia GroupJ9九游会体育

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